Abrasive Injection System

Provides the ability to inject abrasive media into the water stream when a more aggressive cleaning or surface profiling is required.

  • Portable skid mounted abrasive media system
  • 1.5 and 3.5 cubic foot capacities
  • Compatible with a wide variety of media types


The Abrasive Injection System is available as part of an integrated Aqua Miser water blast system to provide the ability to inject abrasive media into the water stream when a more aggressive cleaning or surface profiling is required. Our units are made to work with any style control system, whether tumble box or direct to pump controlled, and are compatible with diesel or electric powered, portable or stationary, Medium Pressure and Ultra High Pressure water blast systems. Available in 1.5cf and 3.5cf capacity, portable skid-mounted modules or onboard system configurations.

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